The First Permanent Colony in America. EDWIN SANDYS, VIRGINIAS FRIENDThe end of the administration of the Virginia Company and the taking over of affairs by the King, James L, dates from his proclamation of July 1. Jamestown. For some years there had been a constant dispute between the King and the Company. The liberal charters obtained by Edwin Sandys and his associates, combined with the independence shown by the Company, and the liberty loving settlers, had been the source of a great deal of opposition on the part of the King, who implicitly believes in the royal prerogative to dictate his twill to all subjects wherever they might dwell. This was aggravated to a great extent by the secret machinations of Gondomar and the Spanish King. Edwin Sandys,Pronounced Sands, the y being silent. It was sometimes spelled Sandes. 1 the Treasurer and head of the Company, after the overthrow of Sir Thomas Slnith, though a member of the Church of England, and son of Edwin Sandys, the Bishop of York, was one of the most liberal minded men of his age. In company with George Cranmer, a grandnephew of Archbishop Cranmer, he had traveled in Europe for six years 1. Geneva, where he had studied the Calvinistic doctrines, and become seasoned with Genevan principle, which were antagonistic to all monarchial principles of government. It is said of hint that lie was ardently in favor of the emancipation of the SANDYS S CONVICTIONShuman mind in matters of religion and religious liberty, and was at heart opposed to the government of a monarchy, and favored civil liberty. Sandys is also quoted as declaring that He thought that if God from heaven did constitute and direct a frame of government on earth, it was that of Geneva. It can be readily seen why a man with his convictions should attempt to establish a free government in Virginia, and how he gathered around him, men of the same opinions, such as Southampton, Farrar, Cavendish and others, who were among the most advanced thinkers of that clay. The administration of Sir Thomas Smith had not only proved a failure, but a large amount of the money subscribed by stockholders in the company had been lost without proper accounting on the part of Smith and his assistants, and it was to save the company from bankruptcy and failure. Edwin Sandys, patriotically agreed to accept the administration of affairs. Had it not been for the intrigues of Gondomar. Warwick, Argall and other members of the company, under the influence of the last two mentioned, it is doubtful if even the King could have succeeded in his determination to annul the charter for he seized upon these charges as just cause for sending a commission to Virginia to investigate the affairs of the company. These men, being in his employ, naturally returned a report to his liking. John Farrar, the deputy treasurer, writes that The King was at the bottom of this whole proceeding which from beginning to end was a despotic violation of honor and of justice which proved him to be a roan void of every laudable principle of action. To which Peckard has added in a note He became the public jest and object of ridicule to all the States of Europe. Browns First Republic in America, pp. When sides were taken in controversy in the company, prior to the dissolution, the Warwick faction could only summon twenty six adherents whereas, the Sandys faction had over 1,0. The company did not surrender its rights without protest. The best legal minds of England were employed to fight before the courts and an appeal was even made to Parliament, which, unfortunately, was nearly ready to adjourn, though favorable to the claim of the Sandys faction. Many of the Parliament members were associated with Sandys and Southampton in the protest. The massacre of 1. Warwick and Argall to use every endeavor to prevent the companys investigation of their connection with the piratical cruises of the Treasurer, all proved of great assistance to the King in justifying his course. Warwick and Argall probably saved their necks from the headmans axe when the company was dissolved, as proceedings against them were never taken by the King. It is very fortunate that Nicholas Farrar, anticipating the dissolution of the company, had a copy of all of the court books and records of the company carefully transcribed. These were afterwards at tested, upon oath, as true copies, and presented to the Karl of Southampton. It is said that Farrar spent 0. Two of these books, with some pages missing, are now in print and available for inspection by our historians. The two volumes contain about 4. The members of the company had expended over 1. The Kings jealously of their freedom of discussion, their liberal administration, their refusal to elect officers nominated by him, the determination of the Virginia settlers to sell their tobacco where they willed, regardless of his express command as to its disposition, had proved their undoing. The colony henceforth was to be administered according to his royal will, regardless of any protest the colonists might make. It was during the administration of Governor Wyatt that the first suit for breach of promise was instituted and the first duel fought. Captain Samuel Jordan, of Jordans journey, died in 1. Rev. Grivell Pooley began making overtures, looking towards consummating marriage with the widow, Mrs. Sysley Jordan. He persuaded Captain Isaac Madison to accompany him to the home of the widow to assist him in broaching the subject. Rejected, he paid a second visit and reported to Madison that she had contracted herself. Madison was induced to accompany him the second time to witness the widows pledge. Madison, in reporting what took place, states that, on being received at the house, the Rev. Pooley asked for a dram and the widow ordered a servant to fetch it, but Pooley declared he would not accept it unless it be prepared and fetched by her fair hand. Click a link below to hear any of these TWTD programs now. To purchase download copies of our TWTD Encore rebroadcasts andor Interviews, visit Speaking of Radio. 9781606043585 1606043587 The Mouse in Your Wallet, Reuben Wanjala 9789506414740 9506414742 Seleccion Por Competencias, Martha Alicia Alles 9780470519882 0470519886. When she agreed to this, Madison and Pooley followed her into the room. It is to be presumed that both gallant gentlemen failed not to drink the fair Sysleys health, and it was then, it is reported, Pooley took hold of the widows hand and repeated these words I, Grivell Pooley, take thee, Sysley, to my wedded wife, to have and to hold till death us do part, and, thereto, I plight thee my troth. Still holding her hand, he continued the form of words as if she were speaking I Sysley, take thee, Grivell, to my wedded husband, to have and to hold till death us do part. Madison says that she did not repeat the words, but that they drank to each other and Pooley kissed her, exclaiming I am throe and thou art mine, until death us separate. It seems that the young widow then insisted that Pooley and Madison keep secret what had transpired, else gossip would snake light of her accepting such attention so soon after her husbands death, and Pooley asserted that Before God he would not reveal it till she thought the time fitting. The secret was too much for the infatuated swain and he informed his friends of his good fortune, whereupon the incensed Sysley contracted herself to William Ferrar Farrer, a brother of the John and Nicholas Farrer, previously mentioned as prominently connected with the Virginia Company. On June 1. 4, 1. 62. Pooley instituted against the widow the first breach of promise suit in English America. 
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