Robert Lanza Biocentrism Ebook
Jaggi Vasudev Doesnt Understand Science or the Nature of the UniverseIntroduction. Jaggi Vasudev is a self styled new age guru whose philosophy and agenda are represented by his activities through his organization, the Isha Foundation. Isha Foundation has steadily been gaining a follower base among the educated middle class in India and among Indian expatriates in USA and other countries. Among other things, Isha Foundation and Jaggi Vasudev are primarily purveyors of instruction in yoga and meditation. Through their instructional sermons, blogs, interviews, and other literature, they also dish out unscientific advice about life, health, and diet. This image from CERN shows simulations of proton collisions of the kind that was used in the Higgs boson experiments at CERN. Source The New York Times, July 9 2. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Reading is a vital part of spiritual and afterlife research. There are books that detail compelling personal experiences such as neardeath experiences, books. Jaggi Vasudev attempts a vague exposition on basic physics, by using unsubstantiated but accuratesounding accounts of the history of modern physics. In the art. The Globe Earth Lie and The Flat Earth Truth, The Earth is Not Moving, Rotating, Revolving, Wobbling, Tilted, or Shooting Through Infinite SpaceMr. Vasudev has recently given a few sermons, which, are plainly speaking, anti science. He tries to cast scientists as being naive outsiders to the supposedly wonderful world governed by the laws described in his pseudoscientific philosophy. In my opinion, the sermons are virulently and dishonestly anti science. Physique quantique il dmontre quil y a une vie aprs la mort le professeur Robert Lanza a des preuves pour dmontrer quil existe une vie aprs la mort. Che cosa accadr quando moriremo Dove eravamo prima di essere messi al mondo La realt che percepiamo con i nostri sensi davvero cos come ci appare Dagli. It is quite evident that Jaggi Vasudev does not understand the basics of the method of science that he self righteously decries as being inferior. Law Of Sines Discovery Activity Table. My hypothesis is that Jaggi Vasudevs act of interspersing his religious sermon with science is a conscious attempt to appeal to the urbane middle class. Using intelligently misrepresented scientific concepts, Jaggi Vasudev willfully seeks to discredit the method of science so that his followers adopt his supposedly superior philosophies. The above video is a case study of sorts into how self styled modern day gurus make their woo laden sermons appealing to the educated middle class. In general, the educated middle class in India and elsewhere is not educated well enough to reject pseudoscience, yet people remember enough science from high school to be awed by popular misrepresentations. Since most people last encounter rigorous science in high school, much of what one should know about science is forgotten later in life. The listeners that Mr. Vasudev seems to appeal are in this demography and know just enough science to understand the dishonest and incorrect pseudoscientific claims of self styled gurus. Further, Mr. Vasudevs cunning and unprecedented use of they and us to refer to scientists and his followers suggests that he seeks to represent his organization as a only path to The Truth type cult. Jaggi Vasudev fails to recognize that scientific progress is a remarkable by product of human ingenuity. He wrongly claims that the scientific method is not the only approach to understanding the universe. At the beginning of the above video, Mr. Vausdev attempts to take listeners on a brief tour of the history of science. More specifically, he mentions facts that most people would remember from high school physics. He attempts a vague exposition on basic physics, by using unsubstantiated but accurate sounding accounts of the history of modern physics. In the art of spin, such an introduction is probably designed to lend credibility to the scientific accuracy of Mr. Vasudevs woo and to establish his physics credentials. Lets examine critically, Mr. Vasudevs claims, while playing along with the ridiculous branding of scientists as some type of the others. Below, I paraphrase or quote Mr. Vasudevs claims, and point out how he is always either inaccurate, illogical, factually wrong, or dishonest. Jaggi Vasudev Does Not Understand Physics. Mr. Vasudev says, They seem to have found something near to what they are referring to as God particle sic. The Higgs boson, that has a mass of certain significance. Evidently, he knows nothing about what he is saying. If the entire premise of Mr. Vasudevs sermon is the affirmation of the existence of a Higgs boson like particle, shouldnt he at the very least, understand what the Higgs boson is His claim that Higgs boson has a mass of certain significance is not accurate enough to qualify as science. The Higgs boson is a part of the standard model of physics and there have been several attempts at explaining the significance of its discovery, such as the video below by Jorge Cham of phdcomics. Mr. Vasudev ignorantly claims that 1 yoga attempts to realize the space between particles, 2 scientists seek answers to the same questions about the space between particles, but have given up on their attempt. The first argument has absolutely no scientific basis. The second assertion is a vague claim at best and false at worst, depending on how generous we are in interpreting it. If we assume that Mr. Vasudev is aware of the quest for understanding dark matter and dark energy, then he is willfully misrepresenting facts because this is indeed a very hot area of research. Jaggi Vasudev states the interesting fact that much of the universe is empty space e. While it is true that empty space has recently baffled scientists, Mr. Vasudevs description of the science is inaccurate, vague, and incomplete. Compare his loose remark with the impressive and scientifically accurate explanation by Brian Cox via Phil Plait of this very fact and its implications in simple, yet accurate language. Mr. Vasudev, however, attempts to give his sermon a pretense of scientific accuracy. Judging by the number of followers he has, his strategy appears to be reasonably successful. If you look at the universe, you see nothing. But if you look closely enough into an atom, it yields to you. Sheridan Blue Streak Serial Numbers. This sounds so much like what a scientist like Carl Sagan would say. Yet, this platitude is neither complete, nor accurate as Mr. Vasudev intends to portray. Lets assume for a moment that by looking at the universe Mr. Vasudev refers to astrophysics. He seems to suggest that turning our sensors to the vastness of the universe teaches us nothing about the nature of matter. In reality, astrophysics is crucial to our understanding of the nature of matter. For starters, early particle physics involved studying cosmic rays in cloud chambers. Mr. Vasudev could have been useful to the popularization of science and the scientific method had he played on this platitude and suggested to his followers that they build cloud chambers to study cosmic rays, which is an interesting DIY project for a weekend. Such an exercise would teach us much more about the universe than any of Mr. Vasudevs own pseudoscientific sermons. Actually, there is no better place to look for Higgs Boson or any other sub atomic particle, than in cosmic rays. As Ian Sample points out in this interview, the reason that the massive accelerator was built on the earth was because it is a much cheaper alternative to sending a sufficiently sensitive detector into outer space to look for the Higgs boson in cosmic rays that are not sullied by atmospheric effects. It appears that Mr. Vasudev is also ignorant, willfully or otherwise, of the entire field of cosmology. Only by looking at the universe was Edwin Hubble able to arrive at the conclusion that the universe is expanding, leading eventually to the development of the big bang theory, and its verification via the discovery of background radiation. Jaggi Vasudev Casts Scientists as Being Ideological Rivals of His Cult.