Georg Simmel Individuality Social Forms Pdf
Brand Community on JSTOR. Albert M. Muniz, Jr. This article introduces the idea of brand community. A brand community is a specialized, nongeographically bound community, based on a structured set of social relations among admirers of a brand. Grounded in both classic and contemporary sociology and consumer behavior, this article uses ethnographic and computer mediated environment data to explore the characteristics, processes, and particularities of three brand communities those centered on Ford Bronco, Macintosh, and Saab. These brand communities exhibit three traditional markers of community shared consciousness, rituals and traditions, and a sense of moral responsibility. The commercial and massmediated ethos in which these communities are situated affects their character and structure and gives rise to their particularities. Georg Simmel Individuality Social Forms Pdf' title='Georg Simmel Individuality Social Forms Pdf' />Implications for branding, sociological theories of community, and consumer behavior are offered. Makita Cordless Drill Instruction Manual. Keywords brand equityextensions, brand loyalty, groupinterpersonal influences, sociological theoriesanalysis. Community is a core construct in social thought. Its intellectual history is lengthy and abundant. Community was a prominent concern of the great social theorists, scientists, and philosophers of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries e. Dewey 1. 92. 7 Durkheim 1. Freud 1. 92. 8 Kant 1. Marx 1. 86. 7 1. Nietzsche 1. Park 1. 93. 8 Royce 1. Simmel 1. 90. 3 1. Weber 1. 92. 2 1. The Stranger is an essay in sociology by Georg Simmel, originally written as an excursus to a chapter dealing with sociology of space, in his book Soziologie. In this. Anja Schwanhuer ed Sensing the City A Companion to Urban Anthropology. Urban Ethnography. Ang kultura o kalinangan sa pangkalahatan ay tumutukoy sa aktibidad ng sangkatauhan. Sa isang payak na kahulugan, ito ang kaparaanan ng mga tao sa buhay, ibig. История социологии. Трудно установить, когда возникла социология е истоки восходят к. The Metropolis and Mental Life German Die Grostdte und das Geistesleben is a 1903 essay by the German sociologist, Georg Simmel. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Pallas Software more. This article introduces the idea of brand community. A brand community is a specialized, nongeographically bound community, based on a structured set of social. Georg Simmel Individuality Social Forms Pdf' title='Georg Simmel Individuality Social Forms Pdf' />Wirth 1. Bellah et al. 1. 98. Boorstin 1. 97. 3 Etzioni 1. Fischer 1. 97. 5 Lasch 1. Maffesoli 1. 99. 6 Merritt 1. Putnam 1. 99. 5, 2. Georg Simmel Individuality Social Forms Pdf' title='Georg Simmel Individuality Social Forms Pdf' />Hans L Zetterberg 19272014 was a sociologist, an analyst of public opinion and values, and a publicist. This archive contains his bibliography and links to. Wellman 1. 97. 9. In fact, for a century and a half it has been a staple of political, religious, scholarly, and popular discourse Hummon 1. This discourse is principally about communitys condition and fate in the wake of modernity, market capitalism, and consumer culture. Yet despite its widely acknowledged significance, particularly in the context of consumption, community has rarely been mentioned in consumer behavior. This article seeks to address this peculiar absence. We introduce the idea of brand community. A brand community is a specialized, nongeographically bound community, based on a structured set of social relationships among admirers of a brand. Black African Booty. It is specialized because at its center is a branded good or service. Like other communities, it is marked by a shared consciousness, rituals and traditions, and a sense of moral responsibility. Each of these qualities is, however, situated within a commercial and massmediated ethos, and has its own particular expression. Brand communities are participants in the brands larger social construction and play a vital role in the brands ultimate legacy. To best reveal the idea of brand community, we first offer a very brief discussion of the historical, theoretical, and philosophical context in which it is set. Then we present data that we believe evidence brand community and some of its key facets. Finally, we note how it relates to previous conceptualizations of community. Community. The concept of community is historically situated in critiques of modernity. Early sociologists saw advancing nineteenthcentury modernity not just challenging community, but destroying it. The very idea of society was defined largely in opposition to community, and throughout much of their history these two terms were essentially antonyms. Ferdinand Tonniess 1. Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft roughly, Community and Society, formally distinguished between the customary, familial, emotional rural community and the mechanical, contractual, individualistic, rational urban society. The essential notion underlying this discourse was that something more natural and thus real community was being replaced by a more depersonalized, mass produced, and less grounded type of human experience modern society. The received view was that anomie, dislocation, and disconnectedness were the result of modernitys fatal assault on the premodern community. Throughout the twentieth century and to this day, the legacy of community lost has informed, infused, and perhaps infected social thought. It is a grand narrative of the modern period, and one in which consumption plays a very significant role. Commerce, the great engine of modernity, and advancing consumer culture are strongly implicated in this modernist tale of woe Lasch 1. The emerging consumer culture was one in which branded goods replaced unmarked commodities, where mass advertising replaced personal selling, and where the individual consumer replaced the communal citizen. The growing centrality of the individual consumer and his or her growing materialistic desires were and are said to be part and parcel of the loss of community. This belief pervades the critique of consumer culture to this day. Not incidentally, branded products were ubiquitous and primary symbols of this purported seismic shift in human consciousness and the resultant alleged loss of community Leiss, Kline, and Jhally 1. Marchand 1. 98. 5. The brand, therefore, should have a central and prominent place in the discourse of modernity, community, and society. Core Community Commonalities. While there are many definitions of community, a review of the sociology literature reveals at least three core components or markers of community, as well as the critical notion of imagined community Anderson 1. The first and most important element of community is what Gusfield 1. Consciousness of kind is the intrinsic connection that members feel toward one another, and the collective sense of difference from others not in the community. Consciousness of kind is shared consciousness, a way of thinking about things that is more than shared attitudes or perceived similarity. It is a shared knowing of belonging Weber 1. The second indicator of community is the presence of shared rituals and traditions. Rituals and traditions perpetuate the communitys shared history, culture, and consciousness. Rituals serve to contain the drift of meanings. Douglas and Ishwerwood 1. Durkheim 1. 91. 5 1. Traditions are sets of social practices which seek to celebrate and inculcate certain behavioral norms and values Marshall 1. The third marker of community is a sense of moral responsibility, which is a felt sense of duty or obligation to the community as a whole, and to its individual members. This sense of moral responsibility is what produces, in times of threat to the community, collective action. It is also critical to note that communities are no longer restricted by geography. Initially, community was thought of as a place, typically rural. However, the community notion soon overflowed those restrictions and spilled out into a much broader field of meaning. In much the same way that modernity was more than the rate of mechanical and scientific advancement, community became more than a place. It became a common understanding of a shared identity. Railroads, telegraphs, magazines, telephones, and national commerce fractured narrow notions of community and social consciousness Carey 1. Durkheim 1. 91. 5 1. Mc. Luhan 1. 96. 4 Ong 1. In fact, throughout the twentieth century the notion of community continued to widen Wilson 1. The fact that the rise of modern marketing, consumer culture, and the mass media follows near identical developmental trajectories is important here. A century ago, the rise of modern communications made modern marketing possible. Historia de la sociologa Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre. La historia de la sociologa como disciplina acadmica independiente es relativamente corta, ya que la sociologa es una ciencia relativamente joven. Los requisitos previos para su existencia surgieron en la Revolucin francesa, con las ideas de la Ilustracin. Los inicios de la misma, solo se remontan a los principios del siglo XIX. La sociologa surgi a partir de Henri de Saint Simon con la idea de la fisiologa social, tambin llamada fsica social, rebautizada por Auguste Comte como sociologa. Su gnesis se debe a varios movimientos claves en la filosofa de la ciencia y la epistemologa. Sin embargo, el anlisis social en un sentido ms amplio, tiene sus orgenes en las acciones comunes de la filosofa y necesariamente es anterior al campo. La sociologa moderna surgi como reaccin a la modernidad, al capitalismo, a la urbanizacin, a la racionalizacin y a la secularizacin, teniendo un inters particularmente importante en el surgimiento del estado nacin moderno, sus instituciones componentes, sus unidades de socializacin y sus medios de vigilancia. Un nfasis en el concepto de modernidad, en lugar de la Iluminacin, a menudo distingue el discurso sociolgico de la filosofa poltica clsica. Como puntapi de iniciacin de la disciplina de la sociologa, Auguste Comte utiliz por primera vez dicha palabra en 1. Curso de filosofa positiva. En el transcurso de siglo XIX, gracias a los principales primeros investigadores sociolgicos con ideas propias, comenz la produccin de la terminologa sociolgica y la definicin del sujeto de investigacin de la misma. Durante la primera mitad del siglo XX se experiment la crisis original de la sociologa francesa, y repercuti en la sociologa, y sobre todo en los Estados Unidos. Desde el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial la sociologa se ha desarrollado hasta ahora en todos los Estados originales, mientras que el desarrollo se lleva a cabo en otros pases donde la disciplina sociolgica es ms joven. Dentro de un breve perodo de tiempo la disciplina ampli considerablemente y separ en reas temticas y metodolgicas, en particular como resultado de mltiples reacciones contra el empirismo. Se marcan los debates histricos en trminos generales por las disputas tericas sobre o la primaca de la estructura o la agencia. La teora social contempornea ha tendido hacia el intento de conciliar estos dilemas. Los giros lingsticos y culturales de la segunda mitad del siglo XX llevaron a mtodos cada vez ms interpretativos. Por el contrario, las ltimas dcadas han visto el surgimiento de nuevas tcnicas analticas y computacionales rigurosas. Las diversas metodologas de investigacin social se han convertido en instrumentos comunes para los gobiernos, empresas y organizaciones, y tambin han encontrado su uso en las otras ciencias sociales. Divorciado de explicaciones tericas de la dinmica social, esto ha dado a la investigacin social un grado de autonoma de la disciplina de la sociologa. Del mismo modo, la ciencia social ha llegado a ser un trmino general apropiado para referirse a varias disciplinas que estudian a los seres humanos, la interaccin, la sociedad o la cultura. PrecursoreseditarEn la antigedadeditarEl pensamiento sociolgico puede remontarse al menos hasta los antiguos griegos vase la observacin de Jenfanes Si los caballos adorasen a los dioses, esos dioses se pareceran a caballos. Se encuentran las observaciones proto sociolgicas en los textos fundadores de la filosofa occidental Herdoto, Tucdides, Platn, Polibio etctera. Ms tarde, tambin se pueden observar las consideraciones sociolgicas en San Agustn, Toms de Aquino y Marsilio de Padua en la Edad Media, por Maquiavelo en el Renacimiento, as como filsofos no europeos, la mayora de Confucianistas. Las tendencias caractersticas en el pensamiento sociolgico de los antiguos griegos se pueden rastrear el origen al entorno social. Casi nunca hubo organizacin poltica muy centralizada o extensiva dentro de los estados, entonces el espritu tribal del localismo y del provincialismo fueron dados la libertad completa. Este espritu tribal del localismo y del provincialismo invadi la mayor parte del pensamiento griego sobre los fenmenos sociales. Se puede rastrear el origen de la encuesta al libro Domesday, ordenado por el rey Guillermo I en 1. En el Islam medievaleditarExiste evidencia del pensamiento social en la poca musulmana temprana desde el siglo XIV. Ibn Jaldn 1. 33. Muqaddima despus traducido como Prolegmenos al latn, la introduccin a un anlisis de siete volmenes de la historia universal, fue el primer que avanz la filosofa social y las ciencias sociales en la formulacin de las teoras de la cohesin social y el conflicto social. IlustracineditarAlgunos pensadores influyentes son Voltaire, Montesquieu, Giambattista Vico, Lord Kames. Iluminismo y positivismoeditarEl trmino sociologa fue acuado por primera vez por el ensayista francs Emmanuel Joseph Sieys 1. Socius, compaero, y el sufijo loga, el estudio de, del griego, lgos, conocimiento1. El trmino fue independientemente reinventado, e introducido como un neologismo, por el pensador francs. Augusto Comte 1. Comte haba expresado anteriormente su trabajo como fsica social, pero ese trmino haba sido apropiado por otros, sobre todo por un estadstico belga Adolphe Quetelet, 1. Auguste ComteeditarEscribiendo despus de los filsofos polticosiluministas originales del contrato social, Comte esperaba unificar todos los estudios de la humanidad mediante la comprensin cientfica de la esfera social. Su propio esquema sociolgico era tpico de los humanistas del siglo XIX l crea toda vida humana pasa a travs de diferentes etapas histricas y que, si se pudiera comprender este progreso, se podra prescribir los remedios para los males sociales. En el esquema de Comte, la sociologa iba a ser la ciencia reina todas las ciencias fsicas bsicas tenan que llegar primero, llevndose las dificultades ms fundamentales de la sociedad humana a si misma. Por eso Comte empez a verse como el Padre de la Sociologa. Comte deline su filosofa general de la ciencia en El Curso de filosofa positiva 1. Una Vista General del Positivismo 1. En su vida posterior, Comte desarroll una religin de la humanidad para las sociedades positivistas con el fin de cumplir con la funcin cohesiva una vez en manos de la adoracin tradicional. En 1. 84. 9, propuso una reforma del calendario llamado calendario positivista. Segn su estrecho colaborador John Stuart Mill, era posible distinguir entre un Comte bueno el autor del Curso de filosofa positiva y un Comte malo el autor del sistema secular religioso. El sistema no tuvo xito, pero se encontr con la publicacin de Darwin, El origen de las especies, influyendo en la proliferacin de diversas organizaciones humanistas seculares del siglo XIX, especialmente a travs del trabajo de humanistas seculares como George Holyoake y Richard Congreve.